Research Paper Proposal

**This was my proposal before I changed my topic last minute.**

research proposal scientist knowledge education paper document study in science proposing scholar teamwork ideas concept

The Urge in Human Nature to Help

Is our want and ability to help others something we learn when young, or something that simply comes naturally to us? In my child psychology class, we’re learning about human development from the stages of infancy to childhood, and the discussions we had regarding child behavior gave rise to this question. I want to explore if humans, beginning at an early age, have a natural tendency to help others. I believe that this matters when it comes to having a deeper understanding of how humans function in society, and if there is a science behind this specific human behavior. I believe parents generally put in a lot of effort to raise their children to be good people, and as children grow, they teach them the difference between right and wrong. Personally, I know that part of my mom’s process of teaching my little sister and I to do the right things, teaching us to be good people, always included helping others. I’ve seen and experienced the possibility of learning this behavior, but it’s possible that there is more to it than that. I will still need to know the science behind our want to help others. For example, if this is an action that has been passed down through our ancestors and is a natural tendency, how would this come about? Or if it’s due to something else, something neurological, what parts of the brain is being used? In addition, I want to learn more about the different environmental factors that can affect one’s tendency to help; if there are any.


Sources I May Use:

  • NY Times Article

Giner Torréns, M., & Kärtner, J. (2017). Psychometric properties of the early prosocial behaviour questionnaire. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 14(5), 618–627.


Li, X., & Xie, X. (2017). The Helping Behavior Helps Lighten Physical Burden. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 39(4), 183–192.